The lost lady of the Amazon


The story of Isabela Godin and her epic journey...

Hardcover, fin stand. Engelsk tekst.


The French scientific expedition that set off for Peru in 1735 did not have much luck. Five of its members died or went insane before their seven years' work was completed, but Jean Godin, the youngest member of the team, fell in love and married a local girl - Isabela, the daughter of the local Spanish governor. They settled down and started a family in Riobamba.

After a few years, feeling homesick for France, Godin crossed the Andes and travelled the length of the Amazon to test whether it was a route suitable for his young family. Unfortunately, having safely reached Cayenne in French Guiana, he discovered that the political situation prevented his return: neither the Spanish nor the Portuguese would allow his passage back up the river...

The story is incredible. After almost twenty years Isabela at last set off with her children, but the journey was to prove worse than the long years of waiting...
